Monday, May 5, 2008

President Bush: well-meaning dolt or nefarious Benedict Arnold?

President George W. Bush, like his daddy before him, is well-known for his malapropisms, to whit: "Rarely is the question asked, "Is our children learning?", "They misunderestimated me.", among many others. The question then is begged: is he truly an imbécile that means well or is he using them to try to cover up more ulterior motives, as Good Ol' Georgie would never mean to screw us over? As you will see, I'm inclined to ascribe to him the latter explanation. Simply put, he DID go to Yale, so even with Daddy's money, he couldn't have been an absolute dolt, not to also mention that even a true idiot would know that a) you don't solve a deficit with tax cuts, b) you don't solve a deficit by increasing expenditures, c) you REALLY don't solve a deficit by combining both a and b, and d) to tell the American people that Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction" when the CIA told him 2 MONTHS prior NOT to use that piece of flimsy 'intelligence'.

So you tell me: is he a well-meaning dolt or a nefarious Bendict Arnold, just another Vidkun Quisling? I steadfastly believe we will have in the next 5-10 years, another Great Depression and one day, generations from now, be it our kids, our grandkids, or even our great-grandkids will be taught that George W. Bush was the WORST ever president of the United States of America.

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