Sunday, May 4, 2008

The 5 least effective presidents of US history

5) James Garfield, only lasted 81 days until he was assassinated.
4) William Henry Harrison, barely lasted 40 days before dying, ostensibly of pneumonia, though many modern-day historians believe he was poisoned.
3) Ulysses S. Grant, scandal-ridden presidency that made Richard Milhous Nixon look like a saint in comparison.
2) Warren G. Harding, even more scandal-ridden presidency, often blamed (rightly or wrongly) for the Great Depression.
1) George W. Bush, will be blamed for the next Great Depression which will hit us in the next 5-10 years due to his idiotic tax cuts, even more idiotic "economic stimulus" checks, and incredulously most idiotic financing of a war in Iraq based on faulty intelligence.

How sad is it that Garfield and Harrison, neither of whom lasted 3 months in the White House did more good for the United States than a moron who was never actually elected, stole not one but TWO elections, and then falsely claimed he had a "mandate" from the American populace?

You tell me.

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